How to shoot ropes

How to shoot ropes

Porn tropes which were originally invented as a way to provide visual proof of pleasure, such as pull-out cumshots and facial cumshots, have a way of making their way into people’s subconscious sexual schema - they become our kinks, simply because we see them so often. 

Admittedly, giving a beautiful woman a cum facial or shooting all over her chest can be a thrilling experience. More disappointing is when you intend to do so, but all you manage is a weak dribble. This brings us to the topic of this blog post: How to shoot ropes! 

It comes down to two things: Volume of ejaculate expelled and force/speed of ejaculate. I will attempt to give you some suggestions about both. This isn’t penis enlargement, but it is PE-adjacent, and it is about sexual self-improvement, so I hope a subset of my readers will find utility in this. 

How to improve the force/speed of ejaculate expulsion. 

The process of semen expulsion is called the ejaculatory reflex. The bulbospongiosus muscle is responsible for expelling the ejaculate. This muscle, located in the perineum, encircles the bulb of the penis. During ejaculation, rhythmic contractions of the bulbospongiosus muscle compress the bulb of the penis and the penile urethra, propelling the semen through the urethra and out of the body. This process is part of the ejaculatory reflex, which is controlled by the autonomic nervous system, specifically the sympathetic nervous system for emission and the somatic nervous system for the expulsion phase. The emission phase is when the vas deferens, the prostate and the seminal vesicles contract and push the load into the urethral bulb (the intensely pleasurable phase just before you explode, so to say, where you cock the gun before the trigger is pulled). Then the parasympathetic nervous system takes over and starts rhythmically compressing the BS muscle. 

One little trick you can do here is to slow down just as you feel the point of no return approaching, and to relax your pelvic floor as the emission phase starts. Not only does that prolong the pleasure, it also gives time for your urethral bulb to be completely filled. It is often wrongly suggested that prolonging coitus (that’s intercourse or fucking with less sciency lingo) would allow more time for the prostate to produce the fluid that makes up the brunt of the load, but that’s actually something of a myth. The same is true of abstaining from ejaculation a couple of days prior to the sex - this only allows more time for sperm to store up, making your load a little more “potent”, but it doesn’t really affect the volume of the load, only the concentration of sperm. No, focus on relaxing completely during those last couple of seconds before expulsion - that’s where the money(-shot) is. 

The force of the expulsion depends mainly on the strength of your bulbospongiosus muscle, and to some extent the strength of the rest of your pelvic floor muscles. To shoot with more force, you need strength training. If you dribble, chances are you’re sitting down a lot during the day and you have a weak pelvic floor. 

So how do we train the pelvic floor and particularly the BS muscle? Well, we do Kegels of course (and reverse kegels to avoid developing a hypertonic pelvic floor - sorry, that’s a big word for being too tense). But in addition to kegels we can also use Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS)


How to train the pelvic floor

Kegels and reverse kegels are simple enough to describe. Kegels use the muscles in the manner you pinch off your stream of urine. Practice doing that to get a feel for those muscles, if you feel this is difficult to do voluntarily and consciously - just don’t do this too often, since that can lead to urinary problems.  Reverse kegels feel a lot like farting or defecating - pushing out. 

It’s often easiest to do kegels lying down at first, but once you get the hang of them you can do them seated or even standing. I like doing them in the car on the way to and from work. 

For reverse kegels, imagine you are trying to initiate the flow of urine or passing gas. This should feel like a gentle downward push or a stretching sensation in the pelvic area. Maintain this gentle pushing sensation for about 5 seconds, and try not to have an accident. :)

Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) is similar to, but not identical with, TENS. They are basically the same thing, but the frequencies and waveforms used are a little different. TENS is used to numb nerves and muscles. EMS is used to strengthen muscles by causing them to contract repeatedly. 

Proper electrode placement and use of proper EMS equipment is important, and here is where some of you will stop reading, but believe me you will be missing out on something that can be intensely pleasurable: 

One electrode goes in the rectum, the other electrode goes on the perineum (the taint, or the area between scrotum and anus). You can also have some success with one electrode rectally and one wrapped around the penis, or one on the taint and one on the penis. You can also have one either side of the perineum - you will need to experiment. But method number 1 is to have one rectally and one on the perineum. I never worked up the guts to try inserting urethral electrones, but I hear they too can be intensely pleasurable. 

There are a plethora of such electrodes - some for fetishists who like feeling stuffed, some for beginners who want something smaller than a pinky. Regardless of which kind you get, the metal surface should be facing the anterior part of the rectum, about 2-3 inches inside. Deeper and it will hit your prostate, which of course feels amazing, but it’s not what we’re targeting here. You should use a lube specifically made for this purpose - one which contains electrolytes so that it is conductive. Vaseline or silicone lubes are insulators and will prevent proper function. “Electroplay” lube or “conductive” lube is what you should search for. 

If you want to shop for the very best electrodes, check out E-Stim systems, but you will find lots of decent products on Amazon too of course: 

You will need a drive unit which has EMS programs and where you can adjust the strength of the pulses. A simple program is something like 2 seconds on, 2 seconds off. But you will need to experiment with what feels good to you and doesn’t cause numbness or too much fatigue. I like the “electropebble” drive unit, but I also have a professional unit developed to help women who suffer from urinary incontinence - and that also works. Just make sure not to get a TENS unit - that’s not the right machine for the job. There are excellent dual purpose machines on Amazon for just $20 or so. They won’t have waveforms that are as comfortable as the ones from an E-Stim unit, but they will get the job done well enough that you can dip your toe in. 

Ok, kegels, reverse kegels, and EMS. What’s the routine bro? 

I’m glad you asked: 

Here’s a 2-month training routine combining EMS and Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor without overtraining:

Week 1-2: Introduction and Baseline Strengthening

Kegel Exercises:

  • Frequency: 3 times per day
  • Routine:
    • Morning: 10 slow Kegels (hold for 5 seconds, relax for 5 seconds), followed by 10 quick Kegels (contract and release rapidly). Follow with 5 slow reverse kegels. 
    • Afternoon: 10 slow Kegels, followed by 10 quick Kegels. Follow with 5 slow reverse kegels.
    • Evening: 10 slow Kegels, followed by 10 quick Kegels.Follow with 5 slow reverse kegels.


  • Frequency: Every other day (3 sessions per week)
  • Routine:
    • Duration: 15 minutes per session
    • Intensity: Start at a low intensity to avoid discomfort; gradually increase as tolerated.

Week 3-4: Building Strength

Kegel Exercises:

  • Frequency: 3 times per day
  • Routine:
    • Morning: 15 slow Kegels (hold for 6 seconds, relax for 6 seconds), followed by 15 quick Kegels. Follow with 5 slow reverse kegels.
    • Afternoon: 15 slow Kegels, followed by 15 quick Kegels. Follow with 5 slow reverse kegels.
    • Evening: 15 slow Kegels, followed by 15 quick Kegels. Follow with 5 slow reverse kegels.


  • Frequency: Every other day (3 sessions per week)
  • Routine:
    • Duration: 20 minutes per session
    • Intensity: Gradually increase the intensity, ensuring comfort.

Week 5-6: Intermediate Strengthening

Kegel Exercises:

  • Frequency: 3 times per day
  • Routine:
    • Morning: 20 slow Kegels (hold for 7 seconds, relax for 7 seconds), followed by 20 quick Kegels. Follow with 5 slow reverse kegels.
    • Afternoon: 20 slow Kegels, followed by 20 quick Kegels. Follow with 5 slow reverse kegels.
    • Evening: 20 slow Kegels, followed by 20 quick Kegels. Follow with 5 slow reverse kegels.


  • Frequency: Every other day (3 sessions per week)
  • Routine:
    • Duration: 25 minutes per session
    • Intensity: Increase to a moderate level, ensuring the muscle contractions are felt but not painful.

Week 7-8: Advanced Strengthening and Maintenance

Kegel Exercises:

  • Frequency: 3 times per day
  • Routine:
    • Morning: 25 slow Kegels (hold for 8 seconds, relax for 8 seconds), followed by 25 quick Kegels. Follow with 5 slow reverse kegels.
    • Afternoon: 25 slow Kegels, followed by 25 quick Kegels. Follow with 5 slow reverse kegels.
    • Evening: 25 slow Kegels, followed by 25 quick Kegels. Follow with 5 slow reverse kegels.


  • Frequency: Every other day (3 sessions per week)
  • Routine:
    • Duration: 30 minutes per session
    • Intensity: Increase to a high but comfortable intensity, ensuring effective muscle contractions.

Additional Tips:

  1. Warm-Up: Begin each EMS session with a 5-minute warm-up at a lower intensity.
  2. Hydration: Ensure adequate hydration before and after exercises.
  3. Rest: Ensure at least one rest day per week to avoid overtraining. Take Sundays off and think of your God, you filthy pervert. 
  4. Relaxation Techniques: Incorporate relaxation exercises such as deep breathing or gentle stretching to avoid hyper-tonicity of the pelvic floor. Read a tutorial about pelvic yoga if you start developing symptoms. 
  5. Listen to Your Body: If you experience any discomfort or pain, reduce the intensity or frequency of exercises. Especially pay attention to if EMS gets too intense and causes lasting numbness. 
  6. Walking and other physical activity aids the whole process.
  7. Edging while you do the EMS is a habit you will probably develop. I wish you good luck avoiding it - this can be intensely pleasurable, as I mentioned. 

This routine should provide a balanced approach to strengthening the pelvic floor muscles while avoiding overtraining and hypertonicity. If you should develop an E-stim kink by doing this, I congratulate you and wish you welcome to this niche hobby. :) 

Ok, so now that we have the strength of the bulbospongiosus muscle figured out...

How do we increase the size of our loads? 

Here is where the science isn’t quite up to snuff. There are lots of substances that are known to help with semen quality - sperm motility and sperm count. But very little quality science has been done on semen volume. I personally believe the most important factor is having a healthy prostate and that a little prostate massage now and then could be a neat thing - why not ask your significant other to provide one as they are giving you a hand-job or a BJ? 

The following substances have mostly anecdotal support, not so much in the way of evidence behind them: 

Pygeum africanum is purported to “protect the prostate”. Some studies suggest that pygeum can improve symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and may help with urinary health. Its direct effect on seminal vesicles and semen production is less well-documented, but prostate health can indirectly support better seminal fluid production .

Lecithin (from soy or sunflowers, for instance) contains phosphatidylcholine, which may support the production of seminal fluid. Anecdotal evidence suggests it may help increase ejaculate volume, but scientific research on this specific effect is very limited. I’ve seen people swear it makes them shoot sticker globs of cum. Worth a try. If you take lecithin, consider also taking some magnesium glycinate to avoid globs - some say it compensates. 

L-Arginine, L-Carnitine, Zinc, Maca Root, Coenzyme Q10, Ashwagandha, and Folic Acid have all been implicated in sperm motility. Citrulline helps with NO production, which can promote blood flow in the nether regions and improve production of seminal fluid. But for all of these, I personally think the evidence that they would make you shoot bigger loads is of such low quality that I would hesitate to make any strong claims. If you have the money, by all means give them a shot - but be cognizant of the placebo effect. Also, don't take zinc without also supplementing with copper in the right proportion - they compete for uptake and you don't want to become copper deficient. 

More than anything, I believe that generally being in good health, taking exercise and having a strong cardiovascular system, and making sure you are really well hydrated, are your best bets for increasing your volume. 

Oh, and don’t practise silly things like no-fap or semen retention. Abstaining from masturbation will in the long term reduce your testosterone production and lower your libido - at least that is where the scientific evidence was pointing last time I had a look at it. Having a wank every third day is a good compromise between cancer prevention and maximising sperm motility if fertility is a priority for you. If you don’t care so much about fertility, wanking more often than this has benefits for cancer prevention - at least that is what some studies of ejaculation frequency and prostate cancer have indicated. If anything, go in the other direction: do a lot of edging to keep your prostate working overtime, keeping it in good shape. 

There you have it: Make sure you are hydrated and in good health, do your kegels and use EMS. Stop right before ejaculation and relax completely. Potentially, add some supplements (but know the evidence for those is mostly anecdotal or about tangential benefits). Those are my suggestions which will help you shoot ropes, if that’s your thing. 

/Karl - over and out


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